Of necessity, every business activity brings with it a certain amount of documentation. This results in a wide range of types and media for producing these documents in the short, medium and long-term. However, even in the course of everyday office life, large quantities of information and data are generated that then need to be destroyed and recycled appropriately.
Furthermore, at the end of the legal storage period, all data carriers need to be destroyed appropriately. According to the law of 2 August 2002 for the protection of personal details, the destruction of data carriers in Luxembourg is also covered by these legal requirements. More information on this law can be found under the heading Archive logistics.
Every business generates large amounts of information and data every day. Such information often takes the form of printouts, project notes, planning figures, drafts, memos or correspondence.
With time this information, or some sections of it, becomes redundant and is consequently thrown into the wastepaper bin. This is where our service chain starts.
Provided with our securely closed containers, you can dispose of your waste and have it collected at your premises for a subsequent professional destruction service.
We will then provide you with a short overview of the principal steps of the process of the destruction of your paper documents so you can rest assured that your waste is properly and securely disposed of.
Please see the ‘Destruction Material’ sub-section for the different sizes and forms of our secure containers.
Each business has its individual approach when it comes to internal processes. This is why we support you in determining the special requirements of your organisation to choose the most suitable and efficient container solution.
Based on a predefined schedule, the locked and secured containers are collected and replaced by new ones, brought to our certified centre for the destruction of data carriers of all kinds where their contents are disposed of in line with the applicable data protection regulations.
On arrival at the centre, the actual weight of each container is determined using accurate scales and recorded on a weight certificate. This ensures that our customers are only billed for the actually disposed of amounts of waste.
Then, the documents are safely and professionally shredded, metal pieces are separated and the resulting paper particles are interchangeably pressed in two big containers via screw conveyors.
Each of the two big containers holds about one billion particles, and it is therefore extremely unlikely that a document can be reproduced from these particles.
For the quantities collected and destructed by us, you will receive a certificate confirming the proper destruction of your documents for your files. This certificate serves as an official proof of the proper destruction of your documents.
Finally, the contents of the big containers are properly recycled.
Your organisation surely also stores data on other media such as, for instance, USB STICKS, CD, DVD, TAPES, HARD DISKS or other data carriers. When the pertaining years or projects are closed and the data carriers no longer needed, we can take care of the physical destruction of these objects.
The physical destruction of the data carriers is the only way to make absolutely sure that the huge amounts of data in these storage media are irretrievably destructed.
In this context you should not forget the memories of printers, copying and fax machines, which today automatically read and save the data before they perform the intended activity.
These memories hold data that are often highly sensitive – which means that any unauthorised access must be avoided!
In the following section, we will provide a short overview of the processes used for the destruction of data carriers as described above.
Disposals of this kind are hardly of a regular nature. Our experience has shown that, as a rule, disposal is required once within a certain period.
But if disposal is required, the data amounts to be processed are quite huge. This is why we support you in determining the special requirements of your organisation to choose the most suitable and efficient container solution.
The data carriers to be disposed of are collected in locked and secured containers and brought to our certified centre for the destruction of data carriers of all kinds where they are disposed of in line with the applicable data protection regulations.
On arrival at the centre, the actual weight of each container is determined using accurate scales and recorded on a weight certificate. This ensures that our customers are only billed for the actually disposed of amounts of waste.
After the completion of the physical destruction, the material particles are collected in big containers and fed into the recycling process.
To confirm the destruction of the data carriers in accordance with the provisions of the data protection law, we issue an official certificate for your files.
In the event of an official inspection – for instance, by the CSSF – or if requested by your regular auditors this certificate confirms that your data carriers were disposed of, destructed and the basic materials recycled by a professional service provider who has the required approvals for this kind of activity.