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Digitisation of documents

Streff Luxembourg Document DigitisationAt a time when information and data are becoming an integral part of every organisation, people have realised that paper records, books and journals are not as handy or safe as CD-ROMs. Information must be stored in such media that allow for safe storage and quick retrieval.

New technology nowadays offers the possibility to create more efficiency not only for individuals but also for businesses. Digitising information makes it easier to preserve it, access and share it as well as to protect it against unauthorised use.

General process

Our software programme creates a visual image of the entire document and at the same time filters individual sections of it as per your instructions to make it easier to search for particular pieces of information when needed. During the scanning process, basic paper formats such as DIN A3, DIN A4, DIN 15, note paper or Post-its, remain together inside the digitised file. The structure of the dossier is always retained, and the electronic file reproduces it on the scale of 1:1. OCR and a table of contents are used for a speedy visual search. Thanks to the skilled personnel as well as the organisational and technical features, the time required for the whole scanning process is kept to a minimum.